Saturday, March 26, 2011

Why aren't my prayers answered?

This is a question, many people do ask especially when something they have prayed for has not occurred. Honestly, would it make any sense if everything you prayed for just came true in the blink of an eye? Would this bring you closer to Allah if you got everything you ever wanted? Not saying that this is impossible, Allah has the power to do anything: 

2:117- The Initiator of the heavens and the earth: to have anything done, He simply says to it, "Be," and it is.
16:40- To have anything done, we simply say to it, "Be," and it is.
36:82- All He needs to do to carry out any command is say to it, "Be," and it is.

The question is would it make sense? And just because your prayers are not answered, does it mean they are ignored?

The answer is NO

Allah hears and answers the prayers of the believers: 

 If My servants ask you about Me, I am near. I answer the call of the caller when he calls on Me.
They should therefore respond to Me and believe in Me so that hopefully they will be rightly guided.
(Surat al-Baqara: 186)

Allah answers your prayers in three ways: 
1) He says "yes" and gives you what you want, your prayers are answered automatically
2) He says "no" and gives you better, allah yields you from the bad 
3) He says "wait" and gives you the best in his own time, perhaps Jannah.

You pray to get closer to Allah, to be rightly guided. Allah is not the means to dunya (worldly things), dunya (worldly things) is the means to Allah.  If your prayer is not answered, then that which you have prayed for would not bring you closer to Allah. You don't get what you want but rather what you need. I key concept to remember is that we live today, not for tomorrow, but for the hereafter. 


Allah hears you  and Allah knows what is best for you :) 

As a kid I loved riding my bike esp. in the middle of the street or at night but my dad would always tell "get out of the street" or "get inside its almost sundown". As a kid, I didn't get it, I was only trying to have fun, right? Little did I know, My dad was protecting me from the worse, such as getting hit by a car. Allah is the best of examples. Of course it sucks when you don't get that huge raise, huge house or that pretty boy/girl that you prayed for but Allah knows what is best for you and through him is guidance.

salam :) 

-----> JAZZ

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