Monday, November 28, 2011

Quran Speaks

Quran Speaks: A Message for Humanity By: Nouman Ali Khan

Why do people do shirk?  (Surah Yunus)

People who practice shirk, don’t own up to what they do and don’t want to be responsible. Instead of facing your lord, you can just blame it on someone else, you don’t have to realize the reality that one day you will be accounted for what you have done. This is false “Shafa’a” which is creating connections or intermediaries with God, you don’t have to worry about getting in trouble or doing any good because you will not be accountable for it. As Muslims we know that one day we have to answer to Allah and we will have true “Shafa’a” because Muhammad will be able to intermediate for us, and this is a job ordained by Allah.

What is the Quran?

The Quran is heart penetrating advice. Shirk is the worse disease of the heart that someone can get. The Quran is medicine for the heart and guidance from Muhammad (sws) is to make sure we won’t get sick again. So we need to stop talking about the Quran, talk Quran. 

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